Winter Fade, Ring in Spring

There’s something about the melting snow giving way to crocuses pushing up the ground. It’s nature’s way of announcing it’s a new season, causing my internal clock to chime, “It’s time to get busy!” The dawn of spring gets my creative juices flowing, and I ponder the possibilities of combining new elements to add a twist to a wreath design or a new flare for a gift basket. I’m always amazed that the flip of a calendar page can spark spring creations to blossom. Does the thought of spring inspire you to add new decor’ to your home? Or do you start thinking about upcoming holidays such as Easter, Mothers Day or Father’s day for gift ideas? If you’re looking for items for a refresh in your home, or you’re seeking gifts for upcoming events, check us out! We can help give your home a fresh look to welcome the beginning of a new season with one or two of my handmade wreaths. My workshop is full of new accents and ready to ship to you.